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"ALLEN":Creating a legacy in the field of educational excellency.

Most of the people around the world opine that India has one of the hardest educational system where a student is moulded under intense pressure.Every year lakhs of aspirants take the UPSC and JEE examinations where only a handful are selected.Most of the candidates who are selected take coaching from various institutions.

In India, anybody unanimously would agree to the fact that Allen Career Institute is the best coaching for now for JEE and NEET preparation.
While many give credit to other institutions, actually Allen is the pioneer in the coaching industry in Kota.Even the Prime Minister has applauded their efforts for making Kota as the "Kashi for Shiksha".

Started by Rajesh Maheshwari Sir in 1988,Allen from its very beginning has made it its aim to provide students quality coaching and making them ready for life.Ask any student who has taken coaching in Allen would tell you that the teachers there are some of the best in India.They make the students aware about what transformation hardwork can make in their life.

In 2008,they witnessed the first of its kind situation where their facilities were poached away by other rival institutes,the brothers didn't lost hope.They started teaching the students by themselves.“our biggest strength is our unity and understanding,” says govind, the eldest brother who looks after the financial operations of the company.Brajesh Maheshwari Sir  “It’s a team, and it has always been a team.,” says the director of academics, and the second one to join Rajesh Sir in the family business.

Since their initiation,they have taught more than 25 Lakh students for competitive exams.They have nurtured a ₹1600 crores organization out of Kota only.But,the future generations of the Maheswaris are also taking it digital and global.
They have already setup their international centers across the Gulf nations.

Moreover,they have also expanded their courses where they have started to teach students for Commerce and Global Universities.This has also made their prospects more clear and better in an ever-changing education market.

We have got one practical example in the form of Allen Bhubaneswar Center.In the last 2 years,under the able hands of Center Head Anurag Mishra and Admin Head Siddharth Rout to disrupt the market with the proper amount of educational resources,they have made sure that they remain the only and the number 1 player in the Coaching market of Bhubaneswar.Along with
 their faculty members,they plan to create a Kota like atmosphere in Bhubaneswar where students also flourish as single-digit rankers.Large number of students and teachers have also joined from other coaching institutes in Allen in the hope of getting world class results.
                         The Maheshwaris

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