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2nd Wave of Corona Virus: Why you should gear Up!

                        2nd Wave of Covid

2020 was one of the most horrific years we,humans,had ever witnessed in our lifetime.
Painful lockdowns and shutdowns,no access to
offline quality education,sky-rocketing prices of daily essentials, people forced to shut down their businesses and forced to carry out petty jobs.Nobody was spared and all this havoc was wreaked by COVID-19 virus.People were hopeful for 2021 but here we have the 2nd wave of the Corona Virus which seems more dreadful than the first wave.

The 2nd Wave of COVID:

By mid-April,the central government had declared that India is going through a 2nd wave of COVID.In the second wave,the no. of cases have been rising rapidly everyday.However,the deaths are not in par with the figures of the first wave of the deadly virus.The second wave of the corona virus had violent repurcussions.The 10th CBSE exams were cancelled,12th exams were postponed.Many migrant-labourers who had left for their workplaces far away from their homes during December 2020 are now again stuck.Several states have also declared 14-day lockdowns to contain the spread and transmission of this virus.Due to the sudden spike in the COVID cases,there are no beds in several hospitals around the country.Some visuals from the national capital,Delhi,show how there is an acute crisis of oxygen required in the treatment.There are no empty places to cremate the bodies of patients affected by COVID.The vaccine which was people only ray of hope has now no relevance as virus has mutated several times and there are various strains of the virus which the vaccine cannot effectively fight against.

Do we really need a second lockdown?

Last year,the government of India was forced to declare several lockdowns to regulate the transmission of the virus.However, going by some stats and figures it is quite clear that the 2-month lockdown was a complete failure.The COVID cases were more in number during the lockdown.The GDP went down at a rapid rate, unemployment rates went up along with poverty.Students had to be taught by online modes which most couldn't access.Mental wellness of people was affected.Moreover, various evidences indicate that lockdown is of no use.In Europe,nations had implemented lockdowns but the trend was same as we observed in India.In an European nation called Sweden,there was no lockdown and wearing a mask is also not compulsory!However they also witnessed COVID cases in the same proportion as we witnessed.Seeing that lockdown has more negatives,the government should look for other relevant alternatives.

Some practically-tested solutions:

Various experts around the world the have proposed some simple steps to prevent getting infected by the deadly virus.Some of them are listed below.

i) Regular washing of hands with sanitisers or hand wash fluids.
ii)Use of mask in public places.
iii) Staying indoors as much as possible.
iv) Government should make sure everyone has access to basic healthcare facilities as well as daily essentials.
v)Framing of consistent laws after proper discussion.

                  A cremation ground in Delhi.
                   The rising COVID curve.  
                   COVID Helpline Numbers.

Some useful links:


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