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Why Money Heist is one of the Legendary series ever!

Guys,Money Heist has been one of the most famous series ever in the world.Full of twists,and described by the eyes of one of the fellow heistmen,this web series has taken the world of web series by a storm.No other series had seen such massive response not only from its domestic viewers but also from the international pavilion.But,have you ever wondered why it became so much famous.
According to us,the most probable reasons why the series became so famous are:

Characters in any form of act are like a man's deeds.As they decide the fate of a man,they decide whether this act is going to be perfect or a miss.The characters in Money Heist can be described in short as likeable and relatable.See,the thing with people these days is that only their life is full of sadness as they see others on social media platforms leading their perfect lives full of happiness.In money heist,most of the characters has got some or the other sort of issues.People could easily relate to these characters.As these characters were messed up themselves,people went in flocks to see them!

 Believe me,it is one of the prime reasons why this show has become so popular.From the subtle tweaks in the intro,to the gang's eureka moments,this series is one of the best pieces of videography one can find today.And,thanks to Migue Amoedo,Money Heist has been awarded by DXO Mark Camera ratings as one of the best in the industry with exact warmer and cooler profiles and with HDR videos.

Money Heist is based on a story which is traced back until the last season.The story revolves around the "Professor" Sergio Marquina who belonged to a family of heistmen where his own brother and father were quite experienced robbers.His father had died during a bank heist which he had witnessed in his own eyes.His brother Andrรฉs Fonollosa also died while carrying a heist inside the Royal Mint of Spain.
It revolves around a lot of stories.He loved the idea of "Resistance" also helped him gather public support during his second heist.The underdog narrative also became a source of motivation for many middle class and poor people across the world because it shows earlier how the other characters were totally broke before the heist.This is also one of the primary reasons why the Dali Masks have become a popular symbol of resistance against strong governments.

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