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Exclusive Interview with FinnovationZ Founder—Mr.Prasad R. Lendwe

Hey Guys!We had an exclusive with us Mr.Prasad R. Lendwe.This man has not only successfully started a fintech startup called FinnovationZ but has also helped millions to get financially more aware.
Prasad sir has also been a perennial source of inspiration for us.We actively watch his videos and some of our posts are also based on his videos.Thank you sir for giving us your time!🙏🏻

Let's get started with the questions.

1)The Sensex has crossed the 60,000 mark.What are your views on this?
Stock markets have been growing in the long term but in the small time frames,the markets cannot go in only one direction.If there is a boom,there is bound to be a bear market as well.
Moreover,this year corporate profits have also not been at par with the stock prices.Hence, investments must be made with caution in stocks which are fundamentally strong and not on the basis of stock price for wealth creation.

2)Because of the recent boom in the Indian Stock markets,many have started investing in the stock markets without sufficient knowledge.What is your advice for them?

One of the major mistakes of the new investors is that penny stocks are great for getting multibagger returns.However,this is not true as penny stocks are very volatile.Their prices can get corrected very fast.The amateur investors should rather start with Mutual Funds where they could invest in many companies at a time.Moreover,mutual fund investments can be started with amounts as low as ₹500.For example,there is Axis Blue Chip Fund where you can invest small sums in some of the biggest blue chip stocks easily.

Moreover,one shouldn't put all his wealth in equities.One should continue to do his/her job and spare equities small sums of his salary.

3)Which is your personal favourite stock?

I don't have any emotional attachment with any stock.I will not name any stock in specific but I will name some sectors where I like to invest.
Banking and Technology sectors have always interested me and I have been investing in them.
However,I make sure that I don't put my money in companies and sectors I don't understand.For example,I don't invest in the Chemical sector as I don't understand the businesses.

4)How minors can invest in stocks?

Actually,I,myself started investing when I was 17 years old.As SEBI guidelines and brokerages ask for PAN card,I borrowed the PAN card of my sister and started investing.One advice for teenagers is that they must inform their parents regarding the investing.Moreover,they can also start a SIP where they could put small sums of money which could provide them with returns free from risk.

5)Why your YouTube channel name is Convey?
Our YouTube's channel name is Convey as it makes more of a sense to name something more professionally.Moreover,YouTube is a small part of our company.We offer multiple products and services at Convey.Do consider checking out our app.

We are thankful to Prasad sir for giving us this interview.Do consider checking out CONVEY's YouTube Channel.

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