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The Adverse Effect of the Pandemic on Children.

  The Adverse effects of Pandemic on Children
                                                        -Piyush R. Prusty

Amid the astronomic rise of COVID cases andthe existing lockdown,there are lot of people who are facing mental stress due to the obvious reasons.And children are not apart from this dilemma.

Due to the closure of schools and other educational institutions for over a year now,children have really changed.Students were affected the most.
It is having several bad effects on these children.
They are showing signs of changed sleep cycles, anxiety, irritation, eating disorders and learning various other disabilities due to a massive change in daily routine.The major concerns are about those instances of 
loneliness,frustration,obesity and so on among the millennials.Gradually,there is a massive change in attitude where they lose their ethics and morals.
Online classes are just an illusion to make the children study.They have further led to opthalmological problems in students.The pandemic also doesn't allows the children to play outdoors too.This affects them physically resulting in depression and laziness.This is a big setback for their physical stature too.Much of their valuable time is spent in playing online Saddened with being at home,not being able to meet friends and speak with someone physically and almost no connection with the teachers have pushed many to the jaws of depression.Many children have also been rendered parentless.Lack of enthusiasm and excitement in daily life has completely changed everyone's life forever.
A very small fraction of the students are having access to online classes but most students without proper resources are not able to continue with their studies.Many have lost their interest in studies and living too.This prolonged 
lockdown has forced people to turn into introverts and textroverts.They sit in one corner of the house everyday holding a digital gizmo and merely doing nothing.
During the pre-COVID period,children dreamt of some holidays.Now,every moment they are praying for a day when they wil be able to go to the schools with no mask on their face!

1) Regularly do exercise.It gives you a positive vibe.
2)Discover your hobby!And pursue it as you have a lot of time.
3)Remain hopeful!This too shall pass.🙂
4)Keep reading Mr.Fact Checker blogs!
  This the most important.😁

This blog is written by Mr.Piyush R.Prusti.He specialises in communication skills and believes in transforming the world into a better place by the means of his writings.



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