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Stocks:Why you should start investing now.


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt,many individuals were rendered unemployed as either they had to shut their businesses or leave their jobs due to no production.Big corporates such as Citibank had to quit their business in India as they faced huge losses due to lockdowns.Ever since August,2020 the common people of India are in search of any work which can pay them.

While many people stay away from the stock market because of the various myths surrounding it,it might well be the best place to invest your money in and earn in long-term or short-term.

A stock or share can be defined as a small portion of ownership in a company or firm without any managing powers,with just the value in hand.A stock market is a place where you can buy or sell stocks in exchange for money i.e. the existing price of a stock.

Last year,while the whole of India was struggling with finances and related issues,the investors at the stock markets in India got wealthier by a whopping ₹3.5 lakh crores.This is an example of how much money you can earn from the stock markets provided you invest in the right stocks.

Then,the vital question arises why you should invest even if you have a stable source of income?Although the stock market allows you with a 100% chance to earn more money, historically, the equities have been known for keeping up with the inflation rates. Make sure to settle for a stock option that outperforms inflation. Once you go for a stock of a small company,you can be assured that you can cope up with rising rates of everything around us.While it is safe to invest in Fixed Deposits (FDs) and Gold,the amount of returns stocks and mutual funds offer back kind of makes the FDs and the yellow metal look boring.Stock markets also helps you to evade taxes and put your money into use.

Start investing today!Wait for a long time and you will be astonished at the amount of money you would have amassed.
                              The rising graph.
Image Courtesy:Quora
                                The Bull Run
Image Courtesy:  The Economic Times
     A staggering 50 % return on net investment.
Image Courtesy:Groww

Disclaimer:We are not certified financial experts but the claims made in the blog are totally true.We will not be responsible for any kind of financial problems based on reading this blog.Investment in securities(stocks)market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing.

We are planning to start a  novel series where blogs will be exclusively based on finance related issues such as cryptocurrency,stocks and bonds.This is the first part of the Finance series.

Links for some leading brokerage firms in:
*All the given links are valid for Android users only.


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