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Showing posts from May, 2021

Some basic stock market terms you must know!

            Investment terms One should know. Before investing in stocks,every investor should know some basic terms so that he/she can trade efficiently and maximise his/her profits from his/her portfolio.Stock market terminology relates to industry-specific jargons which are used in the stock markets regularly.  The terms are as follows: i) Turnover : Turnover is an accounting concept that calculates how quickly a business conducts its operations.Turnover in accounting is how much a business makes in sales during a period. Formula:Cost of Goods Sold/Average Inventory. Image Courtesy: Unknown ii) Market Capitalisation : Market capitalization, commonly called market cap, is the market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares. Market capitalization is equal to the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding.  Formula:Price of stock ×No.of shares in market. Image Courtesy: Investopedia iii) P/E Ratio : The ratio is used for valuin

Let's face it!;Girls and Ladies are oppressed in India.

                        Women Discrimination! *Women discrimination may seem like a bland topic but if not solved will have serious implications.It is high time we address it. Without women,life is not exciting.A woman can make a house and brings everyone together in a family .She has to play multiple role in our society as a granny,mother,sister,girlfriend,wife and many more to name.She is an important part of every society.She is an embodiment of patience and tolerance. However,we in India have done very little to give a women her rightful position in our society.We,in fact,in the last 50 years paid no attention to the predicament a woman has to go through to survive in our society. You might point out that -"Hey,but aren't seats reserved for women in our law-making bodies?","Aren't women actively getting involved in businesses and other fields?","Aren't they getting access to education as our stats show?","Aren't the female infant

Stock markets in India;What they actually are.

                      Stock Markets of India Stock markets are present all over the world where people buy and sell stocks everyday and do trading.Stock markets date back to the 1600s when the Amsterdam stock market was established.It was the first stock market of the world. In India,we have many stock markets all over the nation.However,the most significant ones are at Mumbai(earlier called Bombay)- I)The Bombay Stock Exchange ( BSE ) II)The National Stock Exchange ( NSE ) I) BSE : The Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest stock market not only in India but also in Asia.It was started back in 1875.The index of this market is called Sensex . It has around 5000 companies listed in it and the top 30 companies are considered in its index.It is located in Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,Dalal Street,Bombay.It has a market capitalisation of ₹2.8 trillion rupees as on February,2021.Yesteryear,while the entire nation was in turmoil,it was the BSE which reached astronomical heights touching 50,000 se

Stocks:Why you should start investing now.

                                  STOCKS Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic has hurt,many individuals were rendered unemployed as either they had to shut their businesses or leave their jobs due to no production.Big corporates such as Citibank had to quit their business in India as they faced huge losses due to lockdowns.Ever since August,2020 the common people of India are in search of any work which can pay them. While many people stay away from the stock market because of the various myths surrounding it,it might well be the best place to invest your money in and earn in long-term or short-term. A stock or share can be defined as a small portion of ownership in a company or firm without any managing powers,with just the value in hand.A stock market is a place where you can buy or sell stocks in exchange for money i.e. the existing price of a stock. Last year,while the whole of India was struggling with finances and related issues,the investors at the stock markets in India got wealthi

Indian Politics:Why it is so messed up?

           Politics :A word for the Illiterates                                                          - Piyush R.Prusti To become an IAS officer one has to work very hard cracking the prelims, mains & then viva , but still he/she is under a political office holder who has not even passed the boards. Why is it so? Going by our books,politicians are those who can understand the people and frame policies for the betterment of their overall lifestyle.But then a vital question arises what development will he/she make if he/she has no idea what actually development is? It is not that all are uneducated, there are some who are educated but their number are mere.In our Indian homes we often hear from our family and relatives that -"If you don't study,what you will do in your life?Politics?".Is it the history of Indian politics making them say that or something else. There are numerous ministers holding vital  positions and offices in the parliament without any educational

Health Workers continue to resign; Seeking major overhaul in policies.

                      Scarcity of Health Workers                                                         -Piyush R. Prusti This issue is concerning India . Actually why the health workers are unwilling to do their jobs now-a-days ? Is it the fear of COVID ? Definitely not. Since the starting of this deadly COVID-19 pandemic which has no proper treatment or medicine yet,health workers are the one who are making their day and night alike to cure the patients and down surge the active cases. But in these recent weeks,the spike in the COVID cases is a cause of worry for all of us. On the other side many health workers are resigning.There has been oxygen scarcity in the country. Many people are dying for lack of oxygen. It is the government who is controlling the availability of oxygen in the hospitals as per need. If the government cannot make it possible to arrange for the oxygen then how can the health workers save the patients. It is practically impossible on the part of the health work

2nd Wave of Corona Virus: Why you should gear Up!

                        2nd Wave of Covid 2020 was one of the most horrific years we,humans,had ever witnessed in our lifetime. Painful lockdowns and shutdowns,no access to offline quality education,sky-rocketing prices of daily essentials, people forced to shut down their businesses and forced to carry out petty jobs.Nobody was spared and all this havoc was wreaked by COVID-19 virus.People were hopeful for 2021 but here we have the 2nd wave of the Corona Virus which seems more dreadful than the first wave. The 2nd Wave of COVID: By mid-April,the central government had declared that India is going through a 2nd wave of COVID.In the second wave,the no. of cases have been rising rapidly everyday.However,the deaths are not in par with the figures of the first wave of the deadly virus.The second wave of the corona virus had violent repurcussions.The 10th CBSE exams were cancelled,12th exams were postponed.Many migrant-labourers who had left for their workplaces far away from their homes du