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Showing posts from June, 2021

The Adverse Effect of the Pandemic on Children.

  The Adverse effects of Pandemic on Children                                                         - Piyush R. Prusty Amid the astronomic rise of COVID cases andthe existing lockdown,there are lot of people who are facing mental stress due to the obvious reasons.And children are not apart from this dilemma. Due to the closure of schools and other educational institutions for over a year now,children have really changed.Students were affected the most. It is having several bad effects on these children. They are showing signs of changed sleep cycles, anxiety, irritation, eating disorders and learning various other disabilities due to a massive change in daily routine.The major concerns are about those instances of  loneliness,frustration,obesity and so on among the millennials.Gradually,there is a massive change in attitude where they lose their ethics and morals. Online classes are just an illusion to make the children study.They have further led to opthalmol

Myth-busting Facts about Stock Market Investing.

                  Myths around Stock Markets • There are various myths around the stock markets.One must not believe those and should analyse everything even before investing a single penny of his/her hard-earned money. • Myth-#1: People think that stock investing is                         much like gambling. This myth about the stock market is often spread in the form of well-intentioned but misguided advice.Concerned by some stories of losses,people usually advise others to stay away from the markets.Let's face it:Stock market investing is not gambling.While gambling is concerned with luck,stock market investing largely depends on various factors.Unlike gambling,if one can study these factors and carry out a proper analysis and solid research,one can easily make one's investments profitable. • Myth-#2:  People think they can become rich                          overnight  by stocks. By looking at ace-investors in our market,some people think they can earn a ton m