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Showing posts from April, 2024

#Cancelled: But Is Justice Having a Blast?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”. That's an old saying some of us have heard for years, but our words are genuinely powerful today. If you are not careful, one wrong word or move could get you cancelled. In the age of digital technology, past and present events are accessible at any time with a click. It has always been a challenging time to summon groups of people to join the public fray to challenge others online for past words or actions. In the digital age, past actions regarded as incongruent with current norms are subject to criticism and rebuke. This phenomenon is now commonly called “cancel culture,” a strategy by groups of individuals using social pressure to shun a target accused of offensive words or deeds. The concept of cancel culture lacks a universally agreed-upon definition. Most definitions centre around themes of accountability but diverge regarding their impact. Cancel culture is a blend of fun and fury that exposes