This year,in 2021,we observe the 75th year of Independence from foreign forces.Although,we have achieved freedom from our subjugators,there are various fronts where we are still lacking.One of the most striking is Finances.Financial Freedom is still a dream for most of the people in our society. It is quite certain that money is not everything in life but it is definitely an important aspect in everybody's life.Money helps you fulfill all your material dreams and makes life a bit easier!It becomes easy for you to lead a life with dignity if you are financially sound. Let's discuss some steps which can help us to to achieve financial freedom. I)Set a goal : We need to set a goal or benchmark at first.Without any specific aim,we just cannot do anything valuable.Fix your financial priorities.We need to have some clarity on what to achieve as it makes all the things a lot more easier for us to work upon it.Fix a time in which you want to become financially sound.Think o...
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